The HMS-620 AquaPulse™ systems use low-frequency acoustic signals to provide superior signal penetration vertically through coarse sand, gravel tills, and other difficult-to-penetrate sediments.
The HMS-620 AquaPulse™ systems use low-frequency acoustic signals to provide superior signal penetration vertically through coarse sand, gravel tills, and other difficult-to-penetrate sediments.
The HMS-620 AquaPulse™ systems use low-frequency acoustic signals to provide superior signal penetration vertically through coarse sand, gravel tills, and other difficult-to-penetrate sediments
This combined side scan and sub-bottom survey tool
offers a fully digital platform capable of collecting high resolution Klein powered side scan with FSI HMS-621
sub-bottom data, as well as a range of customer
selected sensor data.
The HMS-625 Multi-Sonar Tow System is designed
for applications that require high resolution side scan
and sub-bottom imagery in depths of up to 3,000m.
Sub-bottom profiling applications in diverse sediments in shallow water environments require compact tools as well as multiple
frequency bands to support a variety of survey requirements. The
HMS-621 CHIRPceiver LittTM and transducer arrays fill this wide
range of survey needs.
Dual frequency operation with CHIRP acoustic pulses in standard bands; LF (1KHz-10KHz), HF (8KHz-23KHz) with selectable switchable on the fly CW modes provide bottom penetration through many sediment types
Individually controlled transmit pulse width and frequency bands
Flexible transducer array options for a variety of vessel configurations
The ULF Compact Sub-Bottom Profiler is ideal for applications that require high resolution CHIRP sub- bottom images along with deeper penetration in difficult sediments such as hard-packed sand.